A macOS command line tool to reveal a file’s UTI

Latest Release: 1.0.4


Download And Install utitool

You can install utitool using Brew. In Terminal, just run:

brew tap smittytone/homebrew-smittytone

brew install --cask utitool

Alternatively, click the file link below to download utitool.
Please verify the integrity of the download with the SHA-256 checksum.

File Name utitool_1_0_4.dmg
File Size 78KB


How to Use utitool

utitool is a macOS command line tool to help you discover files’ Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs). macOS uses these to match data files to applications that can edit or view them. For example, PreviewMarkdown works with a number of UTIs to provide previews of markdown files.

In Terminal, run:

utitool [file path 1] [file path 2] ... [file path n]

utitool in use


Get data for all the files in the working directory:

$ utitool *

Get data for a named file in the working directory:

$ utitool text.md

Get data for named files in the working directory:

$ utitool text1.md text2.md

Get data for any named file:

$ utitool /User/me/text1.md

Get data for a named file in the parent directory:

$ utitool ../text1.md

Source Code

You can view Utitool’s source code at GitHub.

Release Notes

  • 1.0.4 23 July 2021
    • Add async signal safe ctrl-c trapping code.
  • 1.0.3 15 June 2021
    • Add support for macOS 11 Big Sur’s UTType API.
  • 1.0.2 8 February 2021
    • Minor help text change.
  • 1.0.1 4 February 2021
    • Tiny bit of refactoring.
  • 1.0.0 12 January 2021
    • Initial public release.

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