Squinter Release Notes

A ‘Squirrel Integrator’

Latest Release: 2.4.136 (2020-11-18)


2.4.136 (18 November 2020)

  • fixed
    Fix app start-up crashes on Apple Silicon: update to Sparkle 1.24.0

2.4.135 (12 November 2020)

  • new
    Include Apple Silicon native version.
  • improved
    Update the UI to support macOS 11 Big Sur.
  • improved
    Built on macOS SDK 10.15.
  • improved
    Enable distribution via Homebrew.
  • fixed
    Various minor bug fixes.

2.3.133 (10 November 2019)

  • improved
    Add Show/Hide Inspector option to the View menu, and new Inspector toolbar button.
  • improved
    The Switch to Selected Device button on the Device Lookup panel is now only enabled when a device is selected, to be less confusing.
  • fixed
    Correct calculation of certain paths relative to a project file.

2.3.132 (11 November 2019)

  • new
    Squirrel .nut file QuickLook preview under macOS 10.15 Catalina.
  • improved
    Squinter now presents agent URLs as they have been delivered by the impCentral API, rather than URLs generated from the agent ID and a fixed string.
  • fixed
    Make sure a device’s renamed Device Group is indicated in the Inspector.

2.3.131 (5 September 2019)

  • new
    Squinter now supports impCentral’s device group user-defined environment variables. Open a project, select one of its device groups and click Update Device Group’s Environment Variables... in the Device Groups menu to view and amend the group’s variables.
  • improved
    The Inspector panel’s tab switch buttons are now... better (more Xcode-like).
  • fixed
    Removed Azure impCloud login (no longer supported by Electric Imp)

2.3.130 (14 August 2019)

  • new
    You can now select Log All Devices from the Device Groups menu to start logging from all of the devices assigned to that group, if there are any and they’re not logging already.
  • new
    The Device menu has a new option, Close All Log Streams, which halts logging from all devices whose logs are currently being streamed.
  • improved
    The Inspector panel now presents folder icons alongside code filenames — click on it to reveal the file in Finder.
  • improved
    Squinter now has offline help, missing since version 2.0.0. Hold down Opt and click on the Help menu to access the offline help view; otherwise you will be taken to the online help.
  • fixed
    Correctly show and hide the Previous Device Group and Next Device Group Device Groups menu items when there are more than one device groups in the current project.

2.3.129 (1 June 2019)

  • improved
    The impCentral API now allows you to assign unassigned or development devices directly to a Test Production device group, thus simulating the factory blessing flow, so Squinter now supports this too.
  • improved
    Support Apple app notarisation.
  • improved
    Add a new Sync Project toolbar item.
  • improved
    New New Device Group, List Commits, Refresh Device List, Print toolbar item icons.
  • fixed
    Correctly clear a recorded device ID when the user clears the Device Find dialog table selection.
  • fixed
    Fixed a bug causing the recent files list sometimes to have more items than the number chosen by the user.
  • fixed
    Correct reporting when attempting to check Electric Imp library versions when the user is not logged in.
  • fixed
    Don’t display the same network error multiple times.
  • fixed
    Fixed a number of UI typos.

2.3.128 (1 May 2019)

  • new
    Support for impCentral’s new DUT and Test DUT device groups.
  • new
    Sync local Projects with impCloud Products: identify and download online-only device groups to a Project; quickly add auto-created (Test) DUT device groups to your Project; identify and upload orphaned Project device groups; upload local-only projects.
  • improved
    Squinter now prevents you from attempting to create Device Groups that you may lack account-level permission to create, rather than just logging an error as before.
  • improved
    You can now search for devices using agent ID (previously just device ID and MAC).
  • improved
    You are now warned when trying to perform certain actions on an unsaved project..
  • improved
    Downloading a Product as a Project no longer saves the files immediately, but you will be warned before closing/quitting if you have not done so.
  • improved
    The Inspector now remembers which device groups are expanded or collapsed during a session.
  • fixed
    Production devices are no longer listed among development devices.
  • fixed
    Fix a crash caused when the API returns a device record with no device_online key.
  • fixed
    The Inspector now respects your file path display preference.
  • fixed
    Creating a project with a new product correctly updates the Inspector.
  • fixed
    Newly downloaded products appear correctly in the Inspector.
  • fixed
    Deleting a product now clears its deleted device groups' IDs from project device groups records.
  • fixed
    A device group’s files will no longer continue to be watched for changes if the device group is deleted.

2.2.127 (8 March 2019)

  • new
    New device look-up facility: locate named devices in your account by entering their device ID or MAC address.
  • improved
    The Minimum Deployment dialog now shows extra information: commit date, time and SHA.
  • improved
    Update to make use of Sparkle’s EdDSA encryption.
  • improved
    Selecting Show Help now takes you to the Squinter web site.
  • improved
    Now using a better feedback/report a problem system.
  • fixed
    Stop Inspector showing link icons for devices with no agents.
  • fixed
    Correct reporting when attempting to check Electric Imp library versions when the user is not logged in.
  • fixed
    Fixed a crash when displaying devices with sleeping agents in the Inspector.
  • fixed
    Fix minor layout issues.

2.2.126 (7 December 2018)

  • improved
    Squinter 2.2 requires macOS 10.12 or above (versions 2.0. and 2.1 required macOS 10.11 or above).
  • improved
    The Inspector panel is now integrated into the main window for a more modern look.
  • improved
    Add logging information to the Inspector.
  • improved
    When a shared Product is selected, the Shared Products menu item is marked to aid visual navigation.
  • improved
    Inspector link button graphics work better with Mojave Dark Mode.
  • fixed
    Fixed a crash experienced when downloading a shared product.
  • fixed
    Fixed an issue in which devices were incorrectly added to the current device group.
  • fixed
    Fixed an issue in which creating a new project failed to update the Device Groups menu.
  • fixed
    Fixed the incorrect selection of a device after changing projects.
  • fixed
    Ensure the Inspector Project view is cleared when the last open project is closed.

2.2.125 (26 October 2018)

  • improved
    Use Electric Imp as the source of Electric Imp library version numbers.
  • improved
    Provide better logging of updated included libraries and files in source code.
  • improved
    Inspector link button graphics now work better with Mojave Dark Mode.
  • fixed
    A shared Product won’t be selected at login if there is an owned Product available to be selected.
  • fixed
    Halting a device’s log stream no longer causes other devices’ streams to change colour.
  • fixed
    Switching accounts no longer causes the Products of the account you’ve just logged into to be displayed as shared Products.
  • fixed
    Squinter will now correctly begin watching a Device Group’s new source code file(s) when the existing one(s) are replaced (and stop watching the old files).
  • fixed
    Correctly mark projects with updated imported libraries and files as in need of saving.

2.1.124 (29 September 2018)

  • improved
    Support macOS Mojave's Dark Mode.
  • improved
    Add a means for users to provide feedback and report issues.
  • improved
    Provide better notification of which device will be selected when a Device Group is opened or selected.
  • improved
    Don't log the fact that devices' statuses are being updated automatically when it happens.
  • improved
    Make it easier login to alternative accounts (ie. accounts other than the saved, 'primary' account).
  • improved
    Provide a better commit list readout.
  • fixed
    Fix Device Group device selection.
  • fixed
    Correct display of device log colours.

2.0123 (29 August 2018)

  • improved
    Support impCentral multi-factor authentication.
  • improved
    Add Command-click action to expand or collapse all Inspector items.
  • improved
    Issue a clearer notification when login credentials are rejected.
  • improved
    Provide better logout handling.
  • improved
    Support eight user-definable colours for device logs. This will reset any colour preferences you already have.
  • fixed
    Make sure updated device info (eg. on auto-refresh) is reflected by the Inspector.

2.0122 (17 July 2018)

  • improved
    Project Inspector now displays as an outline, allowing you to close or expand sections for clarity
  • improved
    Add RSSI readout to Device Inspector.
  • improved
    Refactor some key code components.
  • fixed
    Edits to Device Groups other than Development Device Groups are no longer rejected by the server.
  • fixed
    New Projects now appear correctly in the Project Inspector.
  • fixed
    New Projects now appear correctly in the Project Inspector.

Site and software copyright © 2024, Tony Smith